The Slide & Turn Sheet makes turning people in bed much easier, and is very popular for people being cared for at home. It is used to move someone up and down the bed, and turn them to the side of the bed, ready to stand up.
The Sheet is much simpler to use than a Bed Slide Sheet (sold separately) with very large people who are difficult to log roll. People who have very fragile skin also benefit, as there is less touching the person when turning them. This is important because some people may be aggressive when woken.
- Soft, breathable material
- Sewn in a cylinder to give one slippery sheet on top of another
- Black foam on the bottom to help keep it in place
To Use
The Slide & Turn Sheet can either be slept on directly, or placed under the bed sheets and incontinence pads. To turn, the Carer holds the top section and pulls it as if pulling a normal Bed Slide Sheet. The person can be turned from side to side, or left sleeping on their back.
The Slide & Turn Sheet is normally used by one Carer, though with heavier people, it may be possible for two Carers to use their combined body weights and strength to turn a person. Alternatively, sometimes one Carer may pull the Sheet while the second Carer will push the person across the bed. Ensure this will not hurt the Patient or place anyone at risk. For heavier Patients, please consider the Slide & Turn Hoist Sheet.
For some mentally alert but physically weak people, the Turn Yourself Sheet or Turn Yourself Pad (both sold separately) can help them turn themselves in bed. Some people who may benefit from these are people with:
- Motor Neurone Disease (MND) / Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Acute arthritis
- Other ailments where people have great difficulty when turning in bed
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Slide & Turn Hoist Sheet |
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Turn Yourself Sheet |
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Turn Yourself Pad |