Falls Prevention & Protection Equipment

With falls contributing significantly to fracture rates, increased functional decline and even disability and death, Falls Prevention is an area we are passionate about. We offer a range of Falls Prevention & Protection Equipment to minimise the risk of falls including products for people in bed, in chairs and wheelchairs. Research suggests that up to half of all older people living in residential aged care facilities fall every year. Age is a risk factor in falls, with residents over 80 at the highest risk. Other risk factors include dementia, stroke history, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

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More about our Falls Prevention & Protection Equipment range

Where bed rails are in place, we offer Bed Rail Protectors in Clear, Slip Over, Strap On and Heat Sealed options. Bed Side Bumpers and Bed Side Wedges may be helpful to support and protect someone in bed. Where someone is at a high risk of falling out of bed, a mattress may be placed on the floor with a Bed Fall Mat beside it. Restraint options may be considered a last resort and include the Safety Vest Crossover and Soft Bed Belt.

Our wheelchair accessories to prevent falls include the Sit, Slide & Stand Pad, Chair Belt for Sliders in a Front and Rear Fastening version, and the Chair Wedge Anti-Slide. We offer a range of restraints for people in a chair or wheelchair. These include the Safety Vest Crossover and the Shower Belt, and Safety Strap. As with all restraints, the use of these items needs to be decided by trained health care professionals.

Our Hip Protectors are made of soft foam, not like hard shell Protectors made by other companies. This makes them comfortable enough to wear at night, when many falls occur. The softness of the foam also helps with compliance, which can be an issue with the harder plastics. Our Standard Hip Protector Pants and Access Pants have pockets in each side over the greater trochanter. To help reduce the cost to our customers, we supply the Pads separately to the Pants. Generally, the Pads do not need washing, so you can take them out of one pair of Pants and put them into a new pair. You can also purchase Pelican Hip Protectors as a Value Pack.

Falls Prevention Alarms have proven invaluable when it comes to safety, especially when dementia is a factor. Many people in residential aged care do not get enough exercise, even when physically able and this can exacerbate muscular weakness and poor balance. People with dementia may also forget the limitations of their physical abilities, for example forgetting that they cannot rise from a chair and fall as a result.

The Pelican Chair Alarm, Floor Alarm and Bed Alarm are particularly useful in this situation as they can alert nursing staff when someone is about to stand up. Often having the alarm sound, is enough for the resident or Patient to remember their limitation. All our Falls Prevention Alarms can be used either with a sounding Alarm Box, or with an existing nurse call system. Our special equipment for disability is of the highest quality!

Some floor alarms are made of very thin lino material to avoid causing trips and falls and are supplied with a sign alerting Carers that the alarm is in position. These include the Doorway Alarm and Floor Alarm – Lino. The Doorway Alarm can alert staff if residents have left a room, for example a lounge or bathroom, and may be in danger of falls from walking in other areas.

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