Bariatric Equipment

In order to offer people the safest and most dignified manner of care, and to protect and support Nurses and Carers, it is important to consider bariatric Patients separately to the general population. In Australia, a person is considered bariatric if they meet two or more of the following criteria: the Patient weight is greater than 120kg; the Patient BMI is greater than 35; the Patient’s hip width is greater than 51cm when seated.

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More about our Bariatric Equipment range

Many of our regular products are available in a bariatric size or version. Examples of these are Leg/Arm Bandaging Supports – Bariatric. As well as being larger than the original version of this product, the internal structure is designed to better support the bariatric Patient. The foam is a denser foam, able to withstand more weight. Meanwhile, convolutions at the contact surfaces allow the Supports to still feel comfortable and prevent excessive pressure on the bandaged limb. The Bed Wedge – Bariatric – Heat Sealed has a similar construction, making it firm enough to withstand a heavier load while being convoluted for comfort.

When it comes to safely turning somebody in bed, the ergonomics of the Carer become more important with increasing size of the Patient. Our Bed Roller Sheet is available in a range of sizes and is popular with people caring for someone at home. Strong nylon webbing handles allow the Carer or Nurse to roll the Patient without lifting and this product may enable a single Carer to assist a person with sitting up in bed or getting out of bed. The Bed Roller sheet may be removed after each use or left in position. This way the person, bed sheets and incontinence pad are all turned at the same time, with minimum disturbance.

Where a hoist is required for the lifting or turning of a bariatric Patient, we offer the Slide and Turn Hoist Sheet. This is designed to be left in position under the Patient between turns and used with a trolley hoist or ceiling hoist. Whilst the safe working load of this item is tested at 300kg, it is crucial to also check the rating of the hoist used.

Where a bariatric Patient has a significant panniculus (or pannus), a Pannus Apron Sling may help with their care. This is designed to be used with a hoist and reduces strain on Carers and Nurses. The Pannus Apron Sling is available with a unique option, where flaps in the Sling can be opened to allow the skin being supported to be checked or cleaned while the Sling is in use.

In an emergency, large or bariatric people may be more difficult to evacuate from a building. Patient Turning Straps are designed to help turn someone who cannot roll onto their side from their back. The Patient Turning Straps and Wedges are positioned so that up to six rescuers can assist the person onto their side, allowing for a lifting device to be placed under the person. This may be a Lifting Sling, Pelican Emergency Stretcher or air jack.

An alternative for the emergency evacuation of a bariatric Patient is to install the ResQsheet – Bariatric Size under the Patient’s mattress. In an emergency, webbing straps are removed from their pockets and done up around the mattress and the Patient. The mattress and Patient are then lowered to the floor and dragged to safety. Two long pulling straps are sewn with extra loops to allow for more rescuers to pull the Patient to safety.

Other items designed specifically for the care of bariatric Patients or people suffering from oedema are the Leg/Arm Sling – Bariatric, Leg Lifter – Bariatric/Oedema and the Leg Support – Large. Find more about our mobility assistance equipment!

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